I was minding my own business on twitter and every so often I would see Mariuca and Shemah twitter update saying that they have done something or receive some form of sticker on getglue.  Ever so curious, I found out from my BFF buddy Mariuca, also known as GP. what the program is all about. It didn’t really appealed to me until I found that I could be getting the stickers that I’ve collected in the program in my mailbox in Malaysia PHYSICALLY, which means I would be literally be holding them in my hands one day to do as I please with them… and I think that is absolutely awesome.
So I set to work and within day I collected my first 20 stickers which is by the way the minimum number that you need to request for the program to send you the stickers. So my stickers is expected to arrive to Malaysia between four to six weeks.. can’t wait to get my hands on them!
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The post I’m On GetGlue appeared first on LadyJava's Lounge.